Free Stand Boxing Bag
69 x 69 x 170 cm
Material: PVC ; Foot filling: sand (not included)
Versatile workout
Do you want to improve your kick and punch technique? Is it time for a complete workout? Do you want to release your energy or work on your responsiveness and coordination? A standing punching bag is the solution! This punching bag is not only suitable for boxing. For example, tennis players and gymnasts also use a punching bag to train their arms.
Standing punching bags don't swing back and forth much, unlike hanging punching bags. This makes them safer for yourself and your environment. In addition, you do not need a permanent place for the punching bag, you do not have to mount it and it is easier to store in case it is in the way.
✔ Freestanding
✔ Movable
✔ Helps improve kick and punch technique
✔ Improves coordination and responsiveness
✔ For an intense, complete workout
The foot of this punching bag can hold about ninety kilos of sand. With that weight, the punching bag is firm and stable, no matter how hard you punch or kick. The bag itself is made of PVC. This material has a great absorbing capacity, which means that punches and kicks are less stressful for your joints. In addition, PVC easily springs back, so that the standing punching bag keeps its shape.